Persuade Your Audience: Tips for Making a Successful Persuasive Presentation

Created by Minty
2024-03-25 16:10:16

As the main type of presentation, a persuasive presentation aims to convince the audience of the validity, importance, or desirability of the presenter's message. Having a persuasive presentation, not only needs a concise and captivating PowerPoint but also a skillful persuasive presentation ability, which can clearly and convincingly show one's ideas and deeply connect with the audience. A persuasive presentation can have many topics, one of them is health issues. According to a new in USE TODAY, List of fruits with the most health benefits: These 8 are expert recommended, having fruits in our diet is beneficial for our health. So, in this blog post, we'll dive into the persuasive presentation and take this news as an example.

What are persuasive presentations?

Persuasive presentations are speeches that persuade an audience through a specific idea, product, service, or belief. The main purpose of a persuasive speech is to convince the audience to agree with the speaker. And to encourage the audience to take the next step in their behavior. They have the characteristics of clarity, relevance, credibility, emotional appeal, and a call to action, all geared toward convincing the audience toadopt a specific viewpoint or course of action.

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The three key elements of persuasion:

In Rhetoric, Aristotle proposed three elements of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

1.   Ethos (Credibility): This is based on an individual's identity, character, and credibility. According to Aristotle, persuaders need to demonstrate wisdom, virtue, and goodwill, for example, expertise and authority can add to persuasion.


2.   Pathos (Emotional Appeal): According to Aristotle, emotions are also an important factor in influencing people's decisions. Persuasion can be enhanced by eliciting emotions in the listener, such as love, joy, anger, or sympathy.


3.   Logos (Logical Appeal): This is the process of building an argument based on facts and logical reasoning, and convincing the audience by logically arguing the conclusion through cause, and effect arguments, analogies, and other methods.

The functions of a persuasive presentation:

1.   Inform: Persuasive presentations often begin by providing relevant information about the topic or issue involved. This can help establish credibility and context for the persuasive message.

2.   Educate: The goal of a presentation may be to educate the audience about the benefits, features, or implications of a particular idea, product, service, or course of action. By increasing understanding, presenters can make their persuasive arguments more compelling.

3.   Motivate: Persuasive presentations seek to motivate the audience to act or react in a particular way. This may involve appealing to the audience's wants, needs, values, or emotions to inspire them to act in a certain way.

4.   Influence attitudes: Presentations can have an impact on the formation or change of an audience's attitude toward an issue. By presenting persuasive arguments and evidence, presenters aim to influence the audience's opinions and perceptions.

5.  Generate support: Persuasive presentations can be designed to generate support or buy-in for a particular idea, a proposal, a project, or an initiative. This may be within an organization, a community, or a larger stakeholder group.

6.   Build relationships: Effective persuasive presentations can build rapport and trust between the presenter and the audience. By demonstrating expertise, empathy, and understanding, presenters can build stronger connections with their audience.

7.   Call to Action: Persuasive presentations typically include a clear call to action that asks the audience to take a specific step or plan. This can be a petition signature, purchase, cause support, or behavior change.

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How to start a successful persuasive presentation?

1.   Start your presentation interesting. A good introduction determines the success of the start of a presentation. The time leading up to the start of the presentation is the absolute most important for any presentation. A great start can be the hook for a presentation and this can be done by using some interesting examples, real-life situations, or celebrity quotes to capture the audience's interest.  

For example, "According to a 2019 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only about 12% of Americans surveyed meet their daily fruit intake, and today I'm here to talk about how to get nutrients by eating fruit. "

2.   Build a connection with your audience. The target audience for a presentation is our audience. We need to understand our audience and know what they stand for, their needs and concerns, to shape the content of the presentation and resonate with the audience. Presenters can also connect with an audience with questions, discussion, and maybe even a fun event!

For example, if your audience is teenagers, you can choose some fruit that protects eyesight. During the presentation, you can ask the audience if they use their eyes too much, etc., and transition to the topic of eye-care fruits. If it’s possible, you can share some fruit face-to-face.

3.   Make a clear and consistent PowerPoint. A PowerPoint with inconsistent style won't get you an A for presentation! Well-laid-out pages and a pleasing color scheme will catch the listener's eye at the first encounter. PowerPoints with consistency in style also deliver the message better. What’s more, no one likes to see a slide full of content!

For example, you can choose slides with simple typography and warm color styles in your presentation about sharing fruit. When you want to present the functions of one fruit, like apples, it will be clearer to show the keywords, such as lowering cholesterol, calming the mind easing sleep, and relieving fatigue.


4.   Use visual aids to support your ideas. You can use visuals such as slides, charts, graphs, images, and videos to enhance your presentation and reinforce your key points. Remember to keep your visuals simple, visually appealing, and aligned with your message. For example, add some photos of fruits you want to talk about.


5.    Be confident in presentation. In a persuasive presentation, our main goal is to convince the audience and call them to action. As a speaker, how to convince the audience is a key issue.Commonly, being confident can help us have a better presentation. To achieve it, rehearse your presentation several times and be familiar with your


6.   Close with a strong call to action. Finally, end your presentation with a clear and compelling call to action. Clearly articulate what you want the audience to do next, whether it's to make a purchase, support a cause, or change a behavior. Make it easy for the audience to take the desired action.

For example, “Since we've discussed the importance of eating fruit, I encourage you all to take a proactive step to improve your health. Include more healthy fruits in your diet. Your health isyour greatest asset.”

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