Terms and Conditions

These Terms govern your use of our websites or services, such as Smallppt, Smallppt.com , Smallppt Desktop, Smallppt Mobile, Smallppt AI Chat, Smallppt AI PDF, Smallppt AI Reading (collectively, the "Services") and the software we include as part of the Services, including any applications, user files (defined below), scripts, instruction sets, and any related documentation (collectively, the "Software"). By using the Services or Software, you agree to these Terms. If you have entered into another agreement with us for a specific Service or Software, the terms of that agreement will control to the extent they conflict with these Terms. As described in Section 3 below, you retain all rights and ownership in the content that you make available through the Services. Using our Services, you may upload or otherwise provide files and information, and process such files and information ("created by you," provided by you and processed through your use of our Services).
1. How this Agreement Works
1.1 Choice of Law
The relationship between you and Quick Little Steps Limited is a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong with its registered office at Room 602, 6/F, Hoi-Lee Commercial Building, 2C Argyle Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong and its services and software are governed by the laws of Hong Kong.
1.2 Privacy
The Privacy Statement applies to any personal data you provide to us. By using the Services or Software, you agree to the terms of the Privacy Statement.
1.3 Desktop Application Usage Data
When using the Services, you will share information with Smallppt about how you use our desktop applications. This shared information is associated with your Smallppt account, enabling us to provide you with a more personalized experience and helping us improve product quality and functionality.
1.4 Modifications
We may modify, update or discontinue the Services, Software (including any part or feature thereof) at any time without liability to you or anyone else. If we discontinue a Service entirely, we will refund any unused fees you have prepaid for that Service on a pro rata basis.
2. Use of Services
2.1 License
You may access and use the Service as long as you comply with these Terms and the law.
2.2 Smallppt Intellectual Property
We (and our licensors) remain the sole owners of all right, title and interest in and to the Services and Software. We reserve all rights not granted in these Terms. In particular, you may not resell any of our products, software and/or services.
2.3 Pre-release versions
We may designate the Software or Services, or a feature of the Software or Services, as a pre-release or beta version (a "Pre-release"). A Pre-release is not a final product and may contain bugs that could cause system or other failures and data loss. We may choose not to commercially release a Pre-release. If we ask you to stop using a Pre-release, or if we release a commercial version of a Pre-release, you must immediately stop using the Pre-release and destroy all copies of the Pre-release. Any separate agreement between us and you regarding a Pre-release will supersede the provisions of this section regarding Pre-releases.
3. Your Content
3.1 Ownership
You retain all rights and ownership in your content. We do not claim any ownership rights in your content.
3.2 Our access rights
We may only access, view or listen to your content in limited ways. For example, to provide the Services, we may need to access and view your content in order to (a) respond to support requests; (b) detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security, illegal or technical issues; (c) improve our Services; or (d) enforce these Terms.
4. Account Information
You are responsible for all activities that occur through your account. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your account, please notify the Samllppt customer support team immediately . You may not (a) share your account information or (b) use another person's account.
5. User Conduct
5.1 Responsible Use
You must use the Service responsibly.
Children under the age of 16 are not allowed to use the Smallppt Services. If you are located in the European Economic Area or any country with similar legislation, you may only use the Smallppt Services if you are over the age of consent for processing personal data under the laws of your country or have provided us with verifiable parental consent to use our Services. If you are a parent and you discover that your child is using our Services and you do not want them to do so, please contact us .
5.2 Abuse
You must not misuse the services, software or content we provide to you as part of the services or software. For example, you must not:
( a ) copy, modify, host, stream, sublicense or resell the Services, Software or Content;
( b ) use your account information to enable or allow others to use the Services, Software or Content;
( c ) use the Content or software contained in the Services to construct a database of any kind;
( d ) access or attempt to access the Services by any means other than through the interface provided or authorized by us;
( e ) circumvent any access or use limitations implemented to prevent certain uses of the Services;
( f ) Share Content or engage in conduct that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of any person (“Intellectual Property Rights” means copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, trade dress, patents, trade secrets, unfair competition, rights of privacy, rights of publicity, and any other proprietary rights);
( g ) attempt to disable, damage or disrupt the Services, Software or Hardware;
( h ) Engage in chain letters, junk mail, pyramid schemes, spamming or other unsolicited messages;
( i ) advertise any product or service on the Services unless approved in advance in writing by us;
( j ) Use any data mining or similar data gathering and extraction methods in connection with the Services;
( k ) encrypt or protect files in violation of applicable law; or in a country where such actions are prohibited.
6. Fees and Payment
6.1 Fees, Third Party Charges and Taxes
The fees and prices for our current services are available at http://smallppt.com/pricing.html . Our fees and prices are subject to change. If we change our fees and prices, we will notify you of the new fees and prices one month in advance on the above page or by contacting you via email. If you do not want to accept the new fees and prices, you should terminate the service/this agreement within this month through your account page or by contacting us by email or in writing.
If you purchase any of our paid services, you agree to pay us the applicable fees, any applicable taxes, and any applicable third-party fees (including telephone charges, mobile carrier fees, ISP fees, data plan fees, credit card fees, foreign exchange fees, foreign exchange transaction fees). We are not responsible for these charges by third parties you hire. If you have questions about charges, please contact your financial institution. We may take steps to collect fees you owe us. You are responsible for all associated collection costs and fees.
Our fees and range of services may vary based on an analysis of your specific consumer behavior.
If you purchase any of our paid services, you agree to pay us the applicable fees, any applicable taxes, and any applicable third-party fees (including telephone charges, mobile carrier fees, ISP fees, data plan fees, credit card fees, foreign exchange fees, foreign exchange transaction fees). We are not responsible for these charges by third parties you hire. If you have questions about charges, please contact your financial institution. We may take steps to collect fees you owe us. You are responsible for all associated collection costs and fees.
Our fees and range of services may vary based on an analysis of your specific consumer behavior.
6.2 Credit Card Information
If you do not notify us of updates to your payment method, to avoid interruption of your service, we may participate in a program supported by your credit card provider to attempt to update your payment information, and you authorize us to continue to charge your account using the updated information we obtain.
6.3 Billing
We will automatically charge membership fees based on the plan, price and payment method you choose until you cancel or terminate your subscription. If you do not terminate your subscription, your subscription will automatically renew.
You and Smallppt may cancel or terminate your subscription at any time. Any cancellation will start from the next billing cycle, i.e. any cancellation will only cancel future billings. We do not provide refunds unless required by mandatory law or otherwise expressly communicated to you. All fees are exclusive of all taxes, levies or duties imposed by taxing authorities, and you are responsible for paying all such taxes, levies or duties.
6.4 Free Trial
Smallppt offers a free trial plan specifically to let you experience the convenience and efficiency of slideshow generation. The free trial is available to all new users and may not be available in all services, regions, countries, or currencies. Smallppt reserves the right to remove or cancel the free trial offer at any time without reason.
7. Disclaimer
7.1 Warranty of Services and Software
The Services and Software are provided on an "as is" basis. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. We make no promises about the content in the Services. We further disclaim any and all warranties that: (a) the Services or Software will meet your requirements or will be continuously available, uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free; (b) the results that may be obtained from the use of the Services or Software will be effective, accurate, or reliable; (c) the quality of the Services or Software will meet your expectations; or (d) any errors or defects in the Services or Software will be corrected.
7.2 Liability for Services and Software, Information and Templates
We expressly disclaim any liability for any actions resulting from your use of any service or software. You use and access services or software at your own discretion and at your own risk, and you shall be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data resulting from your use and access of any service or software.
The information and templates provided by Quick Little Steps Limited ("we") on www.smallppt.com (the "Website") and our mobile application are for informational purposes only. All information on the Website is provided in good faith, but in no event shall we accept any liability arising from your use of and/or reliance on the information, templates, services or software.
7.3 File Storage
Our storage feature is available on all platforms. We cannot guarantee that stored files will always be displayed or accessible to you. You should always keep a copy of your documents on your device. We are not responsible for lost files and are not liable for any losses.
8. Limitation of Liability
8.1 Smallppt's liability
Smallppt will not be liable to you or anyone else for: (a) any loss of use, data, goodwill or profits, whether foreseeable or not; (b) any special, incidental, indirect, consequential or punitive damages (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages), including (c) loss of use, data or profits, whether foreseeable or not; (d) damages based on any theory of liability (including breach of contract or warranty, negligence or other tortious action), or (e) any other claim arising out of or related to your use of or access to the Service or Software.
8.2 Limitations
this Section 8 apply to the maximum extent permitted by law.
9. Termination
9.1 Termination by You
You may stop using the Service at any time. Termination of your account does not relieve you of your obligation to pay any outstanding fees.
If you do not wish to accept the New Fees and Prices, you may terminate the Services/this Agreement as described in Section 6 above.
9.2 Termination by Us
Smallppt may terminate the Service/this Agreement at any time. If we terminate these Terms without good cause, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you at least 30 days before termination through the email address you provided to us on how to retrieve your content. We may terminate your right to use and access the Service or Software at any time if:
(a) you breach any provision of these Terms (or act in a manner that clearly shows that you do not intend or are unable to comply with these Terms);
(b) you fail to pay fees for the Software or Services (if any) when due;
(c) we are required to do so by law (for example, if the provision of the Services or Software to you is or becomes illegal);
(d) we choose to stop providing all or part of the Services or Software (for example, if we can no longer provide the Services in your area due to changes in the law); or if your free account is inactive for an extended period of time.
10. Investigation/Disclosure
We may access or disclose information about you or your use of the Services: (a) if required by law; (b) to respond to your customer service support requests; or (c) if we determine, in our sole discretion, that it is necessary to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of us, our users, or the public.
11. Modification
We may modify these Terms or any Additional Terms applicable to the Services or Software, for example, to reflect changes in the law or changes to our Services or Software. You should review these Terms periodically. We will post notice of modifications to these Terms on this page. We will post notice of the modified Additional Terms in the applicable Services or Software. By continuing to use or access the Services or Software after the revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms.
12. Others
12.1 English version
The English version will be used when interpreting or explaining these Terms.
12.2 Notice to you
We may notify you by email, postal mail, posting within the Service, or other legally acceptable means.
12.3 Entire Agreement
These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding your use of the Services and Software, and supersede any prior agreements between you and us regarding the Services.
12.4 Non-transferability
You may not assign or otherwise transfer these Terms or your rights and obligations under them, in whole or in part, without our written consent, and any attempt to do so will be void. We may assign our rights under these Terms to a third party.
12.5 Severability
If a particular term is unenforceable, the unenforceability of that term will not affect any other terms.
12.6 Don’t Give Up
Our failure to enforce or exercise any of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of that portion.
13. Data Policy
The Data Policy Data Policy reflects our agreement with you regarding the processing of personal data on your behalf in connection with the Smallppt Team Plan and Smallppt Business Plan pursuant to the Smallppt Terms of Service between you and us.
The Data Policy supplements the Terms of Service and is an integral part of the Terms of Service and will take effect from the date you accept the Terms of Service. If there is any conflict or inconsistency with the Terms of Service, this Data Policy will take precedence over the Terms of Service to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency.
We may update our Data Policy from time to time. If you have an active Smallppt Team or Smallppt Business subscription, we will notify you via email or in-app notification.
The terms of this Data Policy will be subject to the terms of the Terms of Service or our Agreement. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in the Data Policy will have the meanings set forth in the Terms of Service.